ETCC 2024


"SUMMER SCHOOL" is the seminar taking place on Sunday, September 22 from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. prior to the ETCC2024.

Lectures and presentations are dedicated mainly for young scientists, PhD students and students.

Registration is compulsory (refer to "Enrol as attendee").

Sunday 22nd of September afternoon

Puce Dr. Christel PIERLOT, Teacher Researcher, CENTRALE LILLE INSTITUT (Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide)
Experimental design in coatings
To develop coatings formulations, it is important to analyse the effect of several factors affecting their properties. Two standard two-level Hadamard and factoriaF designs will be presented pointing out effect of factor and benefits for coatings development.

Puce Jordan BASSETTI, 3rd year PhD Student, CENTRALE LILLE INSTITUT (Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide)
Particle wettability: Concepts, theoretical aspects, and application of the Washburn method
In a paint formulation, a pigment is a finely dispersed solid material that contributes color and opacity, with its wettability playing a crucial role in facilitating even dispersion and adhesion within the liquid medium. The Washburn method offers quantitative measurements of particle wettability, enabling the study of wetting kinetics, comparison of materials, and formulation optimization.

Puce Dr Thierry LACOUR, R&D Director & Company Manager, BIOPRESERV France
Biocides: an essential raw material for water-based formulations
Biocides are an essential molecules family permitting long life of water-based formulations such as paint, material, surfaces, cosmetics, detergents... In Europe, biocides are regulated by the Biocide Product Regulation (BPR). An overview of biocide application, product type based on BPR and efficacy testing will be shared.

Puce Dr Alain CARRE, Consultant, Teacher, AFPEV
Fundamentals of wetting and adhesion
Wetting and adhesion are of considerable importance to many aspects of industrial operations. We will recall the notions of surface tension for a liquid and surface energy for a solid. Knowledge of these parameters is valuable for understanding many surface/interface phenomena such as adhesive bonding. But the energy of rupture of an assembly is generally much greater than the reversible work of adhesion deduced from the surface energies. The rheological model of adhesion shows that the separation energy measured for example with a peel test depends on the reversible work of adhesion and on the energy dissipated by the adhesive. Continuing this theory, another dissipation phenomenon was then highlighted and will be explained. To finish, molecular orientation at polymer interfaces will be described. We will see how this phenomenon may contribute to the establishment of strong chemical bonds between a polymer and its substrate.

Puce Dr. Nicolas MOUGIN, Technical Manager and co-founder of RHEONIS
Coating product physical behaviour and challenges for predictive instrumental methods
Coating product research and development involves a broad variety of tools and methods, aimed at providing a full-spectrum overview of product behaviour in laboratory environment. Rudimentary technical apparatus neighbors sophisticated scientific instrumentation in order to provide a qualitative and quantitative determination of formula properties and behaviour. Nevertheless, predicting behaviour-in-use remains challenging in many contexts, especially in industrial contexts.
This conference intends to discuss such challenges in connection with instrumental methods and to provide guideline for questioning their predictive ability. What does it take for a measurement method to become predictive ? What is predicted ? Under which limits ? We will focus on product physical behaviour, related to rheological, interfacial and physico-chemical dynamical aspects.